Honesty comes first in any relationship. And sure, little white lies told in order to protect your privacy and independence are fine on occasion. But you can’t make last long your relationship based on lies. You should respect each other’s that what’s matter in any relationship. Here are some reasons why you should not lie to your partner.
If you think that your partner could not find out your lie,than you are wrong. They will eventually find out and it may not be right now,It may not even be tomorrow and it might not be next month but for sure they will find out someday. So, there is no need to lie.
Do not hide anything, you should be able to tell them
Of course, you marry someone because you have trust in them. Then there’s no need to hide anything from them. You should trust them and feel free to tell them anything.
This will crash down your relationship
If you are continuously lying then for sure you will lose the trust of your partner. Because things are not same when someone constantly lies. Eventually, it could cause your relationship to crash down.
You will get respect no more
Respect is the most important thing in any relationship. And, you can lose that respect when you lie to your partner. Because anyone won’t give respect a person who lie to them.
No one will believe a liar, even when they tell the truth
Why someone will believe in a liar because they don’t deserve that. It’s hard to believe even they are telling the truth and it takes time to believe them again. If one of the partner is telling truth, other still have doubts.
You will get in to a deep trouble
Not to mention the fact you will be in deep trouble when you get caught. even if you do not get in deep trouble, surely, the other half is thinking about the lie that you told them. It will make you feel little when you get caught lying and it could be very embarrassing for you.