Marijuana come from the Indian hemp plant and the part that contains the drug is found primarily in the flowers and much less in the seeds, leaves and stems of the plant.
Marijuana is one of the most abused drugs in the world today, this is because of its intoxicating effect. marijuana contains over 400 chemicals including THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which creates the mind altering effect that classifies marijuana as a drug and therefore responsible for its intoxicating effect.
One will think that since this drug is natural, it is harmless, this is not true as hamlock is also a natural plant but has the ability to kill. Another question often asked is why it is used in the treatment of certain diseases. The answer is simple and clear as it contains CBD (Cannibidiol) which is responsible for its medical benefits.
It is important to state that the type given to a patience in the hospital is a type of marijuana that contains low TCH and high CBD. This reduces the intoxicating effect of the drug.
below is the effect of marijuana on human life.
- Short term memory problems.
- Severe anxiety, including paranoia (fear that one is being watched or followed)
- Very strange behavior, seeing, hearing or smelling things that are not there, not being able able to tell imagination from reality. (psychosis)
- Panic.
- Hallucination.
- Loss of sense of personal identity.
- Lowered reaction time.
- Rage.
- Increased heart rate (risk of heart attack).
- Problems with coordination.
- Sexual problems.
- Up to seven times susceptible to STD's than non users (for female).
- Decline in IQ.
- 50-70% prone to cancer compared to tobacco smokers.
- Infertility due to abnormal menstrual cycle and deformation of sperm cells.
- Premature delivery and giving birth to mental deranged children
- Poor school performance and higher chance of dropping out.
- Impaired thinking and ability to learn and perform complex task.
- Lower life satisfaction.
- Addiction
- Potential development of opiate abuse.
- Relationship problems, intimate partner violence.
- Financial difficulties.
- Increased welfare dependence.
- Greater chance of unemployment
- Antisocial behavior.
The rate of consumption of marijuana has increased severely and this has led to social crises, increase in crime rate, paranoia, cancer, broken relationships, poor financial savings. If you are addicted to marijuana we strongly advice you have a rethink and put an end to it. It may seem difficult but with determination and hardwork, you can quit marijuana. we wish you good luck