Restoring hope to the hopeless

Sunday 14 May 2017

Living Beyond Average: Looking inward (part two): Thinking Positively

14:52:00 Posted by jeremiah hugo
(thinking positively brings you one step closer to you goal)
Locked within the body is the mind which when used maximally creates an icon. The mind can be used either positively or negatively. Use the mind in a negative way and you will find yourself in a pit far below the devils bailiwick. But use it in a positive way and you will achieve great things. Your mind is the engine of your actions so use it wisely.
Your mindset matters a lot. I agree with Norman Vincent when he said 'think success and I get success but think failure and get failure'. Majority of the world always think of the obstacles, problem and hindrances that surrounds their goals thus transforming a smidgen into a Goliath. A man once said I thought I had great obstacles but I tried to get to it and realized that they were nothing but scintilla and soupcon.
What are your thoughts toward your life, destiny and goals? Are you always thinking about failure? If yes, then change your mindset to a positive one. That's why the Bible says in Romans 12:2 be Ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Let your mind be renewed with positive thought everyday and you will get positive results.
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